Tag: for donors

Support teachers at the end of the school year
As we come to the close of another school year, we want to say THANK YOU!

Show Teachers Some Love on February 15 7PM CT
Join us on February 15 7PM CT for an hour of fun, inspiration, and learning—all in support of education!

New Year’s Resolution: Start Supporting Teachers!
In December, a story about South Dakota teachers scrambling for $1 bills in a promotional event called “Dash for Cash” went viral. Many were shocked by the way the teachers had to compete over support from their community. The increased need for school supplies and decreasing classroom budgets exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers now […]

Why you should donate to teachers
Many of us have a story about how a teacher went out of their way to help us succeed. We all know how dedicated teachers are, and how much they sacrifice for their students. Our latest survey found teachers spend an average of $750 out of pocket on classroom supplies during a school year. Teachers […]

Donation Match for Teacher Appreciation Day
Your donation during Teacher Appreciation Day will be matched to send twice the support to educators during a difficult school year.

Leveraging your donor-advised fund to help teachers
A gift from your donor advised fund will help teachers and students across the country.

Gaming for Charity to Help Teachers and Students
Gaming for charity is easy with free resources to launch your own fundraiser on Twitch, YouTube, or Facebook. With our help and a free toolkit you’ll be on your way to starting your very own fundraiser in minutes. Give back with your gaming community by supporting teachers and students! Why Support AdoptAClassroom.org? We know there […]

Donor-Advised Fund Challenge: #HalfMyDAF
$120 billion is sitting unspent in donor-advised funds that is needed TODAY to help teachers during 2020. Pledge to #HalfMyDAF and be eligible for matching funds.

Six Ways to Help Teachers During COVID-19
Whether you have time or money to donate, you can pick one of these six tactics to support teachers in your life so learning doesn’t stop.