Tag: businesses

33 Teachers Surprised with Funds for Classroom Supplies
At a recent school-wide assembly, Subaru representatives presented the teachers at Forest Hill Elementary with a $5,500 gift card to AdoptAClassroom.org. The funds were to be split equally among the classroom teachers so they could purchase the supplies and materials their students need to learn and succeed. “Teachers know what’s best, and what they need […]

How Your Business Can Make A Big Impact In Your Community
AdoptAClassroom.org makes it easy for local businesses to provide funding support to neighborhood schools and classrooms throughout the U.S. Our school-wide classroom adoption events provide a meaningful way to engage your employees in the community, and instill a sense of pride in your company. Your employees and customers will feel good knowing you have helped […]
By Laurie Johns, 1st Grade Teacher, Greenbrae Elementary Teachers: The whole idea behind Adopt-A-Classroom is to get your classroom adopted, correct? That requires getting friends, family and businesses to adopt you. To do that you need to ASK, ASK, ASK. The more businesses and people you get supporting you, the more money for your classroom. […]