Category: Parents

Neil Patrick Harris Supports Teachers
Everyone remembers at least one teacher who made a life-long impact on them. Even award-winning actor Neil Patrick Harris still thinks about the teacher who taught him music at a young age. That’s why he is partnering with and spreading the message that teachers need school supplies. To highlight that teachers need support this […]

Thank You Burlington Stores For Three Successful Years of Supporting Classrooms
Burlington Stores raised more than $2 million this back-to-school season for classrooms coast to coast. We want to give a huge shout out to Burlington Stores and all of their 45,000 associates across the country for partnering with for the third year in a row. It is because of your dedication and hard work […]

#ClearTheLists Founder Courtney Jones Q&A
This back-to-school season, Texas elementary teacher Courtney Jones started the #ClearTheLists movement that is highlighting the needs of individual teachers who are stocking their classrooms using their own money. Teachers across the country are taking part in this campaign, and education advocates, like Craigslist founder Craig Newmark, are providing teachers with funds to purchase the […]

Support Classrooms With A Facebook Fundraiser
According to an American Red Cross survey, 79 percent of Americans said they would rather have a charitable donation made in their name than a gift they wouldn’t use. Does this sound like you? If so, celebrate your birthday with a Facebook Fundraiser! Facebook Fundraiser With an Facebook fundraiser, you can ask your friends […]

Teacher Crowdfunding Enhances Classroom’s Literacy
During her first year teaching, Chloe Cole taught 2nd grade at Wilshire Park Elementary in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She was surprised by how much teachers have to spend to bring basic school supplies to the classroom. Teacher crowdfunding supports hundreds of thousands of students each year on To help supplement the lack of supplies, Chloe […]

Back-To-School Sweepstakes: Support Teachers With Quaker® Chewy Bars
This giveaway has concluded. Visit our Teacher Funding Opportunities page to learn more about current and upcoming educator funding opportunities from Every school year, teachers spend money out of their own pockets to stock their classrooms with supplies. That’s why we’re excited to announce that Quaker® Chewy is teaming up with us to help support K-12 […]

In Year Three, Burlington is Doing Even More to Support K-12 Classrooms Nationwide!
This is the third year Burlington Stores has partnered with to ensure our nation’s children have access to the school supplies they need to succeed. Over the past two years, our GOLD Halo award-winning campaign raised more than $3.5 million. But our work is not yet done. And Burlington has raised the ante. This […]

5 Classroom Observations That Gave Teachers Hope
We asked teachers on social media to share 2018/2019 school year classroom observations that made them feel hopeful about the future. Teachers across the country told us some amazing stories about their students, and we’re highlighting a few of them to help others feel just as hopeful. Here are five stories that made our day: […]

4 Surprising Purchases Teachers Make to Do Their Job
These days, no one is surprised to hear that teachers spend their own money on classroom supplies. During the 2018/2019 school year, U.S. teachers were in the national spotlight, going on strike in record numbers to advocate for education reform, including higher wages and smaller class sizes. A 2018 survey found that 96 percent […]