STEM Education for Elementary School Teachers
Integrating STEM education into elementary classrooms is essential in order to build critical thinking skills in young students. STEM learning goes beyond traditional math and science learning to provide a multidimensional, curiosity-focused approach to student learning. In this blog, you’ll find STEM education suggestions from the AdoptAClassroom.org Marketplace and STEM-focused ways to spend classroom donations […]

PPG Foundation Transforms High-Needs STEM Classrooms
As a science and technology company, PPG is proud to invest in the next generation of scientists, creators, and engineers. Last winter, PPG Foundation, the philanthropic arm of a leading paint and coating manufacturer, awarded five STEM grants to four high-needs schools in communities where they operate. According to teachers, extra support has been essential […]

PPG Foundation Teams Up with AdoptAClassroom.org to Advance STEM Education in High-Needs Schools
As a science and technology company, PPG is proud to invest in the next generation of scientists, creators, and engineers. PPG knows the importance of education in creating a diverse, skilled STEM workforce and sustainable communities. PPG Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the leading paint and coating manufacturer, has awarded four STEM grants totaling $40,000 […]

National STEM Day: Six STEM Activities for Teachers
November 8th is National STEM Day. National STEM Day highlights the importance of integrating science, technology, engineering, and math in the classroom. STEM learning comes with many benefits for your students, from preparing them for future careers to enhancing their critical thinking skills. During our #TeachingSTEM2021 Twitter Chat, AdoptAClassroom.org asked our community of expert educators […]

Celebrating the Wonder of Science with Emily Calandrelli + Wonder Bread
Emily Calandrelli is teaming up with Wonder Bread and AdoptAClassroom.org to bring exciting science experiments to classrooms and kitchens nationwide. Emily is the host of the hit educational Netflix series Emily’s Wonder Lab, an MIT engineer, and scientist who is passionate about making science accessible to kids of all ages. Are you looking for activities […]

Meet Our New Vendor: LEGO® Education
We’re excited to announce that LEGO® Education has teamed up with AdoptAClassroom.org as our newest vendor partner! PreK-12 educators can now use donations they receive on AdoptAClassroom.org to purchase LEGO® STEAM materials for in-person learning, distance learning, or hybrid learning. Meet Our New Friends at LEGO® Education For over 40 years LEGO® Education has provided […]

STEM Fund Supports More Than 600 Students Nationwide
24 high-needs teachers across the nation received a STEM Fund classroom grant to purchase STEM teaching materials, benefitting more than 600 students. Thank you to Staples®, STEM Fund donors, and the F.I.S.H. Foundation for supporting STEM education this year! $24,000 in STEM Fund classroom grants was awarded to teachers to ensure hundreds of students have […]

2020 Truly is “The Year of Special Education”
Oregon’s 2019 Teacher of The Year, special education teacher Mercedes Muñoz, stated in a recent interview with OPB that 2020 is “The Year of Special Education.” After talking to 6th grade special education teacher Alejandro, we can see why Muñoz is hopeful about the state of special education this year. “Finally people are getting it […]

7 STEM Lesson Plans For #TeachingSTEM2020
Careers in STEM are on the rise. To prepare their students for future jobs, teachers are constantly on the lookout for new and exciting STEM lesson plans that they can bring to their classrooms. During our recent #TeachingSTEM2020 Twitter Party, we asked educators on Twitter to share their classroom STEM activities to help generate ideas […]