"Why teachers say they keep teaching"

6 Inspirational Teacher Quotes on Why Teachers Matter

We are highlighting a few teacher quotes to remind educators – and the public – that their work in the classroom matters. The compassion teachers show their students makes a difference.

Teachers need more support. Only 7% of teachers say their classroom budgets are enough to meet students’ needs, so many educators spend their own salaries on school supplies. The average teacher spends $860 out-of-pocket each year on items for their classrooms. 

Teachers in need of supplies for their classrooms can register on AdoptAClassroom.org to be eligible for funding opportunities.

These teacher quotes come from respondents to our 2022 and 2023 teacher surveys.

6 Inspirational Teacher Quotes on Why Teachers Matter

1. I help students because “I love learning.”

“I sincerely love what I do. Teaching is who I am, and I have known it since I was a child. I was meant to be a teacher. I love the moment when a student just ‘gets it’ for the first time. I love it when they say they love math. I love that they love learning as much as I love teaching.” 

2. “Children need caring adults.”

“I love teaching. I have taught kindergarten for fifteen years and as much as the world has changed and continues to change, one thing does not. Children need caring adults who are invested in them and their learning. That is the only way to make this world better, to teach amazing little people who will grow up to be amazing big people. I still love and believe in what I do. This is why I stay.”  

3. “My students mean everything to me.”

“My students mean everything to me. I do everything in my power to make learning fun and make them feel special. I do use my own money to purchase anything that I feel will benefit my kids.”

4. I prepare students for “opportunities they never thought were possible.” 

“I love to expose my students to opportunities that get them excited about learning. I love my students and want to prepare them for life, post-secondary endeavors, and even opportunities they never thought were possible!”

5. “I spend my own money to maintain learning opportunities.” 

“My students are interested in animals and plants, so I spend a great deal of personal money to upkeep an aquatic frog tank and a larger tank with several different kinds of fish and snails. We also do science experiments that require flowers, fruits, and seeds to study. I spend my own money to maintain learning opportunities for my students.”

6. I help students feel “supported and encouraged.”

“I work with special education students with a range of needs.  I received a grant to make purchases to help the classroom, and students have greatly benefited from these tools.  I used these supplies to work with a struggling student to find a way she could be successful outside the special education classroom. She felt supported and encouraged due to her having the necessary items to thrive.”

Teachers Matter. 

As these teacher quotes show, teachers are committed to their students’ well-being and potential. But teachers shouldn’t have to sacrifice their own well-being by making out-of-pocket purchases for their classrooms. 

AdoptAClassroom.org helps educators by providing flexible funding to spend on supplies for their students. Teachers overwhelmingly agree that funds they received on AdoptAClassroom.org helped them feel more supported in their profession.

By registering on AdoptAClassroom.org, teachers can immediately access funds for items their students need most.