A banner with the phrase "Q&A with Donor Shetal Patel"
When Employee Engagement Strategies Also Help Teachers 

Employees want to work for businesses that reflect their values, including a commitment to social responsibility. One of the best ways companies can do this is by enacting employee engagement strategies that connect staff with the opportunity to donate or volunteer with nonprofit organizations that matter to them. One way is for businesses to partner […]

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Employee Fundraising Idea: Make It Fun and Games!
Employee Fundraising Idea: Gamify Giving

A great employee fundraising idea doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, supporting classrooms can be fun and games. Jen Frentz, Senior Marketing Coordinator of Global Tax Network (GTN), was part of a team that turned their recent fundraiser into a game show style event to support schools in need. AdoptAClassroom.org: What is GTN and […]

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