In 2019, Zuora partnered with to support teachers impacted by the 2018 wildfires in Paradise, CA. The fundraiser was designed to inspire employee engagement and some friendly competition. The results for classrooms in Paradise were inspiring: Zuora raised more than $18,000! worked with the school district to identify a school that still needed support and matched Zuora with Paradise Intermediate School. Zuora departments were all matched with a teacher and the company raised funds for the principal. Thanks to our new School Program, funders can now get flexible funding to educators at the classroom or school-wide level.
We asked Gail Jimenez, Director Product Operations for Zuora, about her experience working with to create such a unique program with employee engagement. Why was it important for your team to support a school in Paradise?
Gail/Zuora: Zuora and our Z-Philanthropy groups are constantly looking for ways in which we can give back to our local community. The devastating fires in California last year touched many of our nearby communities and we wanted the opportunity to bring the Zuora family together and give back to help rebuild Paradise.
AAC: How did the fundraiser help engage your employees?
Zuora: This cause was greatly personal for Zuora as the wildfires affected many of our nearby communities. For this fundraiser, each team at Zuora was given a classroom to adopt. With 12 Zuora teams trying to outperform each other, it was a great way to boost the fundraising momentum. This friendly competition, along with knowing the teacher and classroom each team was donating for, really helped to encourage active employee participation.
AAC: Why was it important to you and for your employees to know exactly where the donation was going?
Zuora: Across all philanthropic efforts, we want to know that our contributions and efforts are going to have the greatest possible impact on the groups and communities we are looking to support. The transparency of the fundraiser for the Paradise Intermediate School gave us the confidence to communicate to our employees exactly where and how their contributions would be making an impact. It’s more inspiring, engaging, and results in a more successful and impactful drive.
AAC: How did the team help you in this process and with the event? Did we make the process easier for you?
Zuora: The team was really helpful in supporting our fundraising drive. From the first phone call to building the Zuora team’s website, they worked quickly and collaboratively. The process was really easy and allowed teams from all of our different offices in the Bay Area, London and the East Coast to start donating quickly.
AAC: Would you partner with again?
Zuora: Definitely! They are a great partner to collaborate with. Their knowledge of the K-12 public school environment, and the best way to allocate the funds, were really instrumental in finding the best way for Zuora to support the Paradise community.

Zuora’s impact will make all the difference this year.
“About 90% of our students lost their homes and their school the day of the wildfire. Many of our teachers lost their home as well. It has been amazing to see people from around the world help our community. We do not know what this year will look like for our school, but we appreciate the help to keep us going in the right direction.”
– Kathy, 6th Grade Teacher from Paradise, CA –
Zuora wrote about the experience on their blog, you can read their article here.
If you would like to create custom fundraiser for your company to improve employee engagement or just to help schools in need, contact us at [email protected].